A significant highlight of the ESSEC MSc Marketing Management & Digital (MMD) is its focus on luxury branding. We speak to alumni working at Christian Dior, Cartier, and Moët Hennessy on how the program’s speciality training has supported them in scoring and excelling in these coveted roles.


Jyotsana Tripathi
Client Relationship Manager (CRM) Specialist

Jyotsana Tripathi graduated with a degree in biomedical engineering. She had gone on to various marketing-related roles when she realized she needed more in-depth knowledge to break into the world of luxury fashion.

Joining the MMD program in 2020 helped her break the barriers by giving her valuable exposure to the luxury world. “The MMD curriculum helped me understand the essence of luxury even though I had never worked in the industry,” she says.

She adds that her knowledge and experience in the luxury industry, coupled with the career guidance services she received, gave her the confidence to approach a Christian Dior representative at a networking session.

This landed her a part-time job at Dior, which she converted into an internship, and then she moved on to a full-time role as a CRM specialist.


Lara Dessainte
Global Digital Manager

As the Global Digital Manager in the Travel Retail Western Ecosystem at Moët Hennessy, Lara Dessainte’s primary responsibility is to curate meaningful physical experiences and digital touchpoints for the brand’s customers.

It’s a job she is thriving in, and she says this is, in no small part, thanks to all she has learned during her time at ESSEC MMD.

“Working for different luxury companies as consultants during the second semester well prepared us for the reality of working in the luxury industry. We had four to five different projects for different companies, from beauty to tech,” Lara says reflectively.

The requirement to provide concrete strategies in such a short time was, for Lara, a great opportunity to be creative and exercise her problem-solving skills, which she puts to good use today in her work.


Lorenzo Valenti
Marketing & Communications

From the onset, Lorenzo Valenti clearly wanted to pursue a career in the luxury jewelry industry. The MMD program was integral in helping him streamline his experiences to enter the very niche market.

“Being able to talk about what I learned during my course, and all the hands-on projects like during the Digital Marketing Challenge (DMC) and the luxury brand module really helped during interviews,” he enthusiastically shares, adding that this enabled him to secure an internship at Cartier even before graduation.

Lorenzo converted his internship into a full-time Marketing & Communications Executive role at Cartier’s Dubai office and moved to the Middle East in 2023.

It has been an entirely new culture that he needs to adapt to, but thanks to the ESSEC Asia-Pacific’s diverse student body and emphasis on teamwork, he has found he is more than equipped for the change.