GBBA Student Yumi Mahoux-Nakamura: Double-degree Holders Earns Coveted Internships at LVMH

Driven by practical, international experience and ESSEC's career support, Global BBA student Yumi Mahoux-Nakamura secured top internships at LVMH and…

MMD Student Ambassador Patsachon Niyomthai: Chasing Entrepreneurship Dreams

Patsachon Niyomthai came to ESSEC Asia-Pacific hoping to become a savvy digital marketer and help her dog business dreams take flight. Here’s her…

MiM Student Martin Bouchet: Bridging the Divide between Engineering and Business

ESSEC Master in Management Student Ambassador Martin Bouchet shares his experience transitioning from a technical degree in France to a business…

MMD Student Ambassador Marco Carini: How International Exposure Benefit the Aspiring Marketer

MSc Marketing Management and Digital Student Ambassador Marco Carini shares his experience with international exposure and learning by doing so at…

SMIB Student Ambassador Soraya Saint-Marc: Bridging Green Dreams and Global Reach

French-Indonesian student Soraya Saint-Marc shares the differences between the ESSEC Cergy and Asia-Pacific campuses and what she enjoys about being…

MiF Student Marie Hotton: Making the Right Decision at ESSEC Asia-Pacific

Unwavering support, diversity, and exposure to the industry have made Master in Finance Student Ambassador Marie Hotton’s time in Singapore…

MiM Student Ambassador Lucas Le Brazidec: From Circuits to Suits

Flexibility, real-world exposure, and the opportunity to study in Singapore made Lucas Le Brazidec choose the ESSEC Master in Management.

MiF Student Ambassador Michel Verhasselt: How the Program Supported the Aspiring Trader’s Growth

ESSEC Master in Finance Student Ambassador Michel Verhasselt on how his time at ESSEC Asia-Pacific has helped him clarify his career path.

SMIB Student Ambassador Ksheera Rangarajan: From Google Engineer to ESSEC Supporting Her Career Transition

Student Ambassador Ksheera Rangarajan shares about returning to school after a few years in the workforce and her experience at ESSEC Asia-Pacific…