Learning-by-doing Gives ESSEC MMD Graduates An Edge in the Workforce

ESSEC MSc in Marketing Management and Digital graduates Ziyang and Camille secure coveted internships at Christian Dior and Hermes, crediting…

MMD Student Lorenzo Valenti: Why ESSEC Offers a Gem of an Experience

A perfect GPA holder from the ESSEC MSC in Marketing Management and Digital, Lorenzo Valenti shares how ESSEC has polished his skills and equipped…

MMD Student Xinyue Chen: From a Degree in the Arts to Career in Luxury

Hear from Xinyue Chen how ESSEC's MSc in Marketing Management and Digital program helped her pivot from a degree in French language and literature to…

MMD Student Emma Arlandis: Coming Full Circle at ESSEC Asia-Pacific

Find out from the well-travelled Emma Arlandis about how returning to Singapore for the ESSEC MSc in Marketing Management and Digital has supported…

ESSEC MMD Students Power Through Challenges to Achieve Their Dreams

ESSEC MSc Marketing Management & Digital alumni Jyotsana, Ruchika, and Bill share how the program equipped them for success in luxury marketing…

COVID-19 Can’t Stop ESSEC MMD Students from Achieving Their Dreams

ESSEC MSc Marketing Management and Digital alumni Jyotsana and Ruchika secure positions at Christian Dior Couture, attributing their success to the…

The Luxury of Opportunities at ESSEC’s MMD Program

MSc in Marketing Management and Digital Student Ambassadors Yue Ning Ng, Kaiqi Sun and Marine Trouillez all stepped onto the ESSEC Asia Pacific…

L’Oreal Brandstorm: Building ESSEC’s Global Brand Through Real-world Business Challenges

ESSEC’s reputation is a product of over a century of legacy—built by an established alumni network and perpetuated by promising Student Ambassadors…

Equipping Students For Careers in Marketing, Management, Digital and Beyond

ESSEC MSc in Marketing Management & Digital program equips graduates like Theo and Victoire to excel in marketing and navigate diverse global…