Experience Week 2024

14 TO 17 AND 19 OCTOBER 2024

Discover top-ranked programs at ESSEC Experience Week 2024! Join us online to connect with experts and learn how our programs can propel career growth and global exposure. Unlock your potential now.

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Experience Week 2024

14 TO 17 AND 19 OCTOBER 2024

Learn more about Asia's #1 programs


ESSEC’s MiM Program: Designed to Empower the Future of Business

The leaders of tomorrow must be flexible, agile, and adaptable to changes. The Master in Management students from ESSEC Asia-Pacific share how the…

Career Tips: “How Do Job Search Strategies Change with Seniority?”

Discover how job search strategies evolve with career progression: From on-campus recruitment for juniors to networking and executive search for…

Understanding the Allure of Asia-Pacific According to SMIB Students

One highlight of the ESSEC Master in Strategy & Management of International Business program is that students keen on Corporate Strategy or Strategic…

The SMIB Program: Where Managers, Marketers, and Strategists Are Made

Hear from 2021 alumnae, Pauline Grimault and Charlotte Ysebaert on how completing the ESSEC Master in Strategy & Management of International Business…

Career Tips: “Is It Important to Send a Cover Letter in a Job Application?”

Navigate the paradox of cover letters in job applications: Though often overlooked, they remain crucial for a significant portion of recruiters.…

Career Tips: “How Do I Make My Résumé More Interesting?”

Elevate the appeal of your résumé by infusing specificity and vivid descriptions into your achievements. Enhance your profile further by…

Career Tips: “How to Start Building a Good Résumé?”

Revolutionize your résumé by auditing your skills and achievements, transforming it into a dynamic portfolio that showcases your unique capabilities…

Career Tips: “What is the Purpose of a Résumé?”

Craft a résumé that stands out by putting yourself in the hiring manager's shoes. Align your achievements with sought-after skills, considering…

Maximize the ROI of Your Master’s Program

The return on investment on a master’s degree comes in the time to find a dream job and the salary earned. How do you minimize risks and maximize…

SMIB Students Tackle the Complexities of the Global World

ESSEC’s Master in Strategy Management and International Business graduates can stride confidently into the global world knowing they are equipped to…

How to Ace Your Master’s Program Application

Tips to improve your personal essay, perform well in your interview, and boost your chances of acceptance into the Master’s program of choice.

Investing in Strategic Skills For A Future in Finance

ESSEC's Master of Finance has consistently ranked as one of the world’s best programs by the Financial Times, with graduates high in demand by…



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