With over 200 modules, 50 specializations, 11 double-degree programs, and 105 exchange opportunities, it is safe to say that no ESSEC Master in Management (MiM) students have the same journey.

We speak to alumni about how they’ve customized the program to meet their needs and where they are now in their careers.


Carlo Alberto Calchera
Senior Consultant

Carlo came to ESSEC with one goal: becoming a strategy consultant. To achieve this, he spent his first year at ESSEC Asia-Pacific in the Business Management in Asia track before moving to France in his second year and taking on the Corporate Finance track.

During his MiM days, he also interned at Strategy&’s Dubai office, working on projects for the telecom, media, and technology (TMT) sectors— and at Amazon UK as a program manager.

These experiences served him well, and upon graduation in 2019, he secured a role at DHL Consulting as a Strategy Consultant before moving to financial services consultancy specialists at Alpha FMC in 2023.

“The main reason I joined ESSEC in the first place was to jump-start my career with support from a world-class education, a strong network of high-achieving friends, and a top-notch career service,” he says.

“I have to admit, that is exactly what I got!”


Leela Ganesh
Digital Innovation Strategist

Biomedical sciences student Leela joined the MiM program at ESSEC Asia-Pacific to transition into a commercial role.

Today at corporate innovation studio, Pilot 44— where her role is to help businesses develop and launch new products and ventures in the digital health space, it is safe to say she has succeeded.

The 2020 alumna credits this to exclusive MiM program initiatives. For example, she joined the Therapeutic Innovation Research Chair and worked on a digital healthcare project with Sanofi, piquing her interest in the field.

The ESSEC Career Services connected her to Sanofi’s HR in Singapore, which led to an internship with the vaccines team. She continued with an apprenticeship with the consumer health business department, where she came into contact with Pilot 44.

“Overall, I feel the MiM offerings are unique and have prepared me well for the working world,” she affirms.


Wenwen Zhu
Secondary Credit Business Manager

“ESSEC taught me a lot about being confident, professional, and agile both in life and at work,“ Wenwen Zhu, who works at BNP Paribas’ New York office, says of the MiM program.

The 2018 alumna entered ESSEC Asia-Pacific with a background in pharmacy but managed to leverage the flexibility of the MiM to take on two finance internships— at PwC and AXA— and an exchange at Duke University to support her career transition.

Ultimately, the BNP Paribas Digital Disruption Chair* helped her enter finance. Her experience there led to an offer to join the BNP Paribas’ London office to drive digital transformation, and she has been with the organization since.

Looking back at her time at ESSEC, she says: “I can’t imagine any other programs or schools that would allow me to live in three continents in the last three years and, at the same time, build my experience in finance, strategy, and trendy technologies!”