• Enjoy complete flexibility to curate the learning experience and explore passions.
  • Gain deep expertise from ESSEC Chairs.
  • Jump head-first into the world of consulting with the JCE or ASCP.

The ESSEC Master in Management (MiM) program is where explorers gather to chase their dreams.

Whether they want to take their time to complete the program in four years or waste no time and finish up their course in a year, the MIM program offers students the flexibility to grow at their own pace and discover their true passions.

Here are some features to let students maximize their returns on investment (ROI) with the MIM program.

1 | Leverage Flexibility to Explore

“You can study and then do an internship or do two internships back to back, and even do a double degree and graduate with an MBA—it’s almost crazy to realize how much freedom we have,” Michelle Diaz exclaims.

As someone keen on educational inclusivity and combating inequality, Michelle leveraged this flexibility to hone her business development and marketing chops with an internship during her first semester in Singapore.

She then joined a venture capitalist (VC) in Germany to work on education inequality projects and continued to launch an ed-tech start-up, all while completing the MiM program.

Other alumni have likewise taken on a wide variety of internships and apprenticeships across the globe.

While each path into the working world is unique, it is clear that the flexibility of the MiM has played a crucial part in helping them uncover where they belong.

2 | Gain Deep Expertise with ESSEC Chairs Specialization

Another way to maximize the ROI of the MiM program is to join an ESSEC Chair—a professional track sponsored and co-designed by industry partners.

This allows one to deepen their knowledge in a desired field and to work on real-world projects with companies.

For alumni like Wenwen Zhu, joining the BNP Paribas Chair was how she discovered her calling in strategic digital transformation.

Her work at the Chair secured her a full-time role at BNP Paribas’ London office—cementing her transition from pharmacy to finance.

3 | Join the ESSEC Asia-Pacific Campus

There are also advantages to doing a stint at the ESSEC Asia-Pacific campus. Singapore is a global financial hub, home to the headquarters of various MNCs, and well-connected to other countries in the region.

Living in the country is, therefore, a chance to learn about the dynamic Asian market first-hand, gaining the knowledge needed for a head-start in working in the region.

In addition, the ESSEC Asia-Pacific campus is where one can participate in the Junior Consultant Experience (JCE) and Asian Strategy Consulting Project (ASCP).

Exclusive to students in Singapore, these experiences allow students to dive head-first into consulting and learn directly from industry professionals as they propose solutions to real-world business challenges in Asia.

Participating in the 2022 run of JCE gave Yuchen Wu the chance to work with Eurogroup Consulting and conduct market research for Bolloré Logistics on the post-pandemic market.

“Overall, I found this a valuable challenge that helped my development tremendously. If consulting is your dream career, you will not want to miss this opportunity,” Yuchen says.