The world is teetering dangerously close to the brink of environmental disaster. If global temperatures cannot be kept to below 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial days, by 2030, the world will fall to widespread droughts, floods, and poverty.

The clock is ticking, and pressure is high for businesses to reduce their environmental footprint, 25-year-old Leopold Mathieu shares.

With our survival at stake, the Master in Strategy and Management of International Business (SMIB) student calls for change.

A Quest to Drive Change

This is precisely what makes his work as a Program Management Officer in DHL’s Customer Solutions and Innovation division so important: one of DHL’s targets is to bring in technology to enable clients to reduce their carbon emissions.

“You’re working for your company while positively impacting the world. That’s why I love this job.” Leopold, SMIB Class of 2021, says.

A profession with such impact inevitably brings high demands, but having been in this role just a few months, Leopold is confident that his time at ESSEC Asia-Pacific has equipped him with precisely what he needs.

Equipped to Go Global

After all, at ESSEC, Leopold was able to refine his strategic business acumen, understand international management principles, and hone his emotional, cultural, and theoretical intelligence.

At ESSEC, he also applied these freshly-minted skills in the real world. Through initiatives like the Asian Strategy Challenge (ASC)—a six-month consulting project that allowed him to work with luxury brands—Leopold analyzed the digital touchpoints of Chinese travelers to develop a strategic action plan for Parfums Christian Dior.

The diversity of the Asia Pacific campus allowed him to network with students from different programs. He founded the ESSEC Marketing Club to create opportunities for them to combine their skills and pitch their services to international businesses.

His initiative secured a paid consulting stint with Phillips. There, he led a team of nine members to identify insights and opportunities for using AI to develop a strategy for the health tech company to use in eight APAC countries.

Connecting the Dots to a Brighter Future

As someone who enjoys variety, Leopold credits his ability to dabble in different industries for shaping his perspective as a Program Management Officer today.

“I need to understand how to connect the right people with the right project and understand the needs of different markets and countries,” he explains. “Because of my previous experiences, I always find some way to connect the dots.”

And connect the dots he shall, as his thread of openness and versatility—synonymous with SMIB students—continue to weave his diverse experiences together, setting the pattern for the tapestry of a leader.