French national Antoine Habay was determined to land a career in the high-end luxury world. To achieve this, he knew he had to spread his wings and fly, living in different countries to amass global experience that would help him become a savvy luxury professional.

His travels led him to Singapore to pursue the ESSEC MSc Marketing Management and Digital (MMD), and it was at the Singapore campus that his luxury career took flight.

Today, he works at one of the most well-known luxury brands: Louis Vuitton, a French fashion house.

We chat with him to discover how the MMD has pushed him to the next level in his career.

Congratulations on finding your dream job! Tell us what you do at Louis Vuitton.

As a Client Relations & Experience Assistant at Louis Vuitton in Singapore, my primary responsibility is to improve client interactions. I proactively create sales opportunities and foster client relationships.

I also oversee cross-functional projects, help manage the regional gifting plan, and coordinate hospitality arrangements for regional and international events.

How has your time at ESSEC helped you in your current role?

The program equipped me with invaluable tools, concepts, and a work ethic that prioritizes precision and persuasiveness, which I have seamlessly integrated into my professional life.

For example, learning how luxury brands are established, nurtured, and safeguarded has helped me craft compelling marketing strategies aligned with the brand’s DNA.

The experiences gained through group projects, presentations, and the Digital Marketing Challenge (DMC) have honed my communication skills.

Any inspiring mentors?

The first is Professor of Management Practice Gautam Kiyawat, who led my Social Media and Mobile Marketing class. He was deeply invested in our learning experience and went the extra mile by bringing in guest speakers from various industries.

I was also inspired by Associate Dean of Faculty Sonja Prokopec, who taught classes in the luxury sector. Through her lessons, I gained valuable insights into the industry’s workings.

I also benefited from the meetings she facilitated with luxury players such as Dior, Longchamp, Sephora, and Macallan.

Diversity is the new normal in today’s global climate. How did you learn and live this as an MMD student?

The MMD cohort comprised students from more than ten different countries. This exposed me to people of other cultures and backgrounds, mainly when we interacted during group projects.

In addition to being a student ambassador, I joined various clubs at ESSEC. I attended many events on campus, which allowed me to widen my networks both within and outside the school.

Connecting with these people, all of whom come from different backgrounds, has helped broaden my horizons and prepared me for the global workplace.

Advice for anyone who might be considering joining the MMD program?

Get involved in as much as you can. Look out for presentations and networking sessions to attend, roles to apply for, and activities organized by students’ clubs to participate in—grab them all!

These will help you integrate into campus life more easily and also help widen your social connections, which will go a long way in eventually securing a job.