MiM Student Ambassador Lucas Le Brazidec: From Circuits to Suits
Flexibility, real-world exposure, and the opportunity to study in Singapore made Lucas Le Brazidec choose the ESSEC Master in Management.
ESSEC Diaries: Navigating International Student Life in Singapore with Nikita and Matteo
Learn more about our student experiences in Singapore in the latest podcast episode of the ESSEC Diaries.
Freedom and Practicality Draw Students from Asia to the MiM Program at ESSEC APAC
From diverse backgrounds to common goals, students from ESSEC's Master in Management program are shaping their futures with flexible learning and…
ESSEC Diaries: Inter-campus Experience from Singapore to Cergy with Mohamed Asad
Learn more about our student experiences in Singapore in the latest podcast episode of the ESSEC Diaries.
Building Global Citizens at the ESSEC GBBA Program
How the ESSEC Global BBA program ensures graduates have the cultural and social awareness to thrive in the global world.
ESSEC Diaries: Cultural Immersion in Singapore with Olivia Gunawan
Learn more about our student experiences in Singapore in the latest podcast episode of the ESSEC Diaries.
MiF Student Ambassador Michel Verhasselt: How the Program Supported the Aspiring Trader’s Growth
ESSEC Master in Finance Student Ambassador Michel Verhasselt on how his time at ESSEC Asia-Pacific has helped him clarify his career path.
ESSEC Diaries: Proven Tips for Academic Excellence with Eun Li Seo
Learn more about our student experiences in Singapore in the latest podcast episode of the ESSEC Diaries.
SMIB Student Ambassador Ksheera Rangarajan: From Google Engineer to ESSEC Supporting Her Career Transition
Student Ambassador Ksheera Rangarajan shares about returning to school after a few years in the workforce and her experience at ESSEC Asia-Pacific…