The International Corporate Volunteer program (VIE, or Volontariat International en Entreprise) offers international opportunities for French and citizens of the European Economic Area to undertake a professional assignment with a fixed monthly allowance. Students or graduates get to work in Singapore for up to 24 months. International students can pursue part-time jobs and internships while studying, with the option to take on full-time employment and live in Singapore after graduation. Here are the options available:

For Current Students

Pass type: Student pass

    • Duration: Up to 16 hours during school term and no limit during vacation
    • Eligibility: Must be an ESSEC Student’s Pass (STP) holder
    • Application party: ESSEC APAC initiates the STP application process

For Graduates

Maximum stay in Singapore after program completion: 3.5 years.

Pass type: Work Holiday Pass

    • Duration: Up to 6 months
    • Eligibility: Aged between 18 – 25 at the time of application. Undergraduates must have been full-time residents and students at ESSEC for at least 3 months before applying. Graduates must have been both full-time residents and students at ESSEC.
    • Application party: Self-application to companies

Pass type: VIE French International Internship Program

    • Duration: 6 months to 2 years
    • Eligibility: French or European citizens aged between18 and 29
    • Application party: Self-application to companies

Pass type: Long-term Visit Pass (LTVP)

    • Duration: 1 year
    • Eligibility: Applicants need to be previous Student Pass holders. The LTVP can be secured anytime after program completion to stay in Singapore and look for jobs.
    • Application party: Self-application to companies

Go to the Business France website for more information on available jobs and Singapore companies supporting the VIE program.